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Quality customer service is very important to us at Sold. If there's anything we can do to make your experience better, let us know. Anything short of back rubs.

Get in touch


We have a full support staff here for you. Feel free to contact them at at any time, or within the app by tapping the support button. But please remember, they are humans who sleep during the night.

General chit chat

If you want to know more about what we do around here, or what our favorite songs are, just stay up on what's happening via Twitter and Facebook. You can also write us at

Press contacts

We're all about getting our name out there, so if you would like to speak with us about press related things, please contact us at

Job inquiries

Looking for a job? You probably already clicked on the jobs page. If this hasn't happened yet, it should. Or you can contact us at and let us know what you're interested in.