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We are Sold.

Through smart pricing analytics, a refined user experience, and genuine customer service, we make selling easy. So easy that we do it for you. We do the dirty work. You reap the benefits.

Say you have a used laptop, or some designer shades you can't bring yourself to wear, but you have way better things to do than sell them online. So they just collect dust. Well, we are the solution. While you go on about your life, we'll do the selling for you. When our work is done, you get paid.

Our Team

Our team is defined by its eclectic mix of backgrounds, which creates fresh perspectives and drives our ability to attack problems in a new way. From the MIT Media Lab, Microsoft, global design firms, physics labs, and world class advertising agencies, this unconventional collision of different schools of thought has created something unique.

Interested in joining the team? Learn more.